It exists a model of personality amply studied called Big Five, In which one of the shots of personality, like the Neuroticism or Neurosis, has more tendency to cause and generate emotional disorders and problems of mental health to the one who marks high in this type of personality.

By what, learn to manage the neurosis and neuroticismo is fundamental not to generate emotional problems and mental disorders. That is to say, to have emotional stability and mental welfare.

If you remain you reading will discover a test to know that type of personality have, if have a tall degree of neuroticismo and if at present it is you spending to have problems of emotional and mental health.

Besides we will answer the most frequent questions on the neuroticismo, exploring his definition, causes, effects in the daily life and how can manage … We begin?

1. What is the model Big Five of personality?

The model Big Five of personality is a theory that classifies the personality in five big dimensions or shots: opening to the experience, responsibility, extraversión, friendliness and neuroticismo. Each shot represents a continuous dimension along which the people can vary in different levels.

The model Big Five is amply backed by investigations and considers valid and reliable to measure the personality. The studios have showed that these shots are stable and consistent along the time and in different cultures.

Personalidad neurotica y trastornos emocionales. Modelo big five de personalidad

2. Which are the five shots of the model Big Five?

The five shots of the model Big Five are:

  1. Opening to the experience: It reflects the disposal of a person to be creative, curious and opened to new ideas.
  2. Responsibility: it refers to the organisation, confiabilidad and autodisciplina of a person.
  3. Extraversión: It describes the sociabilidad, energy and tendency to look for the external stimulation.
  4. Friendliness: It represents the empathy, the cooperation and the compassion to the other.
  5. Neuroticismo: It refers to the emotional stability, the anxiety and the tendency to experience negative emotions.

3. What is the neuroticism or neurosis?

The neuroticismo is a shot of personality that refers to the tendency of a person have some emotional unsteadiness, to suffer more psychosomatic symptoms and to experience negative emotions, like anxiety, fear, sadness, ire and irritability of way more intense and durable that other people.

Those with tall neuroticismo can be more sensitive to the stimuli estresantes and can have difficulties to regulate his emotions. Besides they can be more liable to concern in excess, feel emotionally unstable and have difficulties for lidiar with the stress.

By what these people conform a personality neurotic and of neurosis that spans all the areas of his life.

Personality neurotic and emotional disorders. Nuroticism, neurosis and neurotic.

4. Which are the symptoms of the neurosis or characteristic of a personality neurotic?

Some common characteristics of a personality with tall neuroticism include:

  • Chronic anxiety
  • Emotional unsteadiness
  • Low self-esteem
  • Excessive worry
  • Irrational fear
  • State of spirit fluctuante (changes of frequent humour)
  • Tendency to the self-criticism
  • Hipersensibilidad Emotional.
  • Main susceptibility to the stress
  • Minor capacity to recover emotionally of the hang-ups.

5. The personality neurótica considers an emotional disorder or is something negative?

No, the personality neurótica in himself same does not consider a mental or emotional disorder, neither something negative, but a shot of personality. Equally be neurótico or neurótica is not neither positive neither negative, only is a tendency or pattern of personality. However, a tall level of neuroticismo can spend emotional difficulties and affect negatively the quality of life of a person. Besides they are used to to be people that tend to to develop emotional disorders like anxiety, anxiety neurótica,  depression, depression neurótica,  neurosis depresiva, neurótica obsessive and disorders neuróticos, especially if they do not manage adecuadamentand.

6. Which are the causes of the neurosis?

The neuroticismo or neurosis can have multiple causes, including a combination of genetic factors, biológicos and environmental The genetics plays an important paper in the predisposition to the neurosis, but also can influir in the early experiences of life, factors like the crianza, the traumatic experiences Biological factors, like the chemical disequilibriums in the brain, also can exert a paper in this shot.
Personality neurotic and emotional disorders. Conflicts relate personal

7. The neuroticism affects the personal relations?

The neurotismo can have a impact in the personal relations, since the people with tall neuroticismo can be more liable to experience changes of frequent humour, interpersonal anxiety and difficulties to handle the conflict.

However, with an elder own Knowledge and suitable tools of own acceptance, the people with a pattern of personality of neurotismo can learn to manage better his emotions, develop skills of effective communication and strengthen the relations to weigh his tendency neurótica.

8. It exists some advantage in having a personality neurotic?

Although the shot of personality of neuroticismo often associates with emotional difficulties, also can have some advantages. The people with tall neurotismo can ser more conscious of the details, more empathic and more cautious in the taking of decisions. Besides, his emotional sensibility can do that they are more perceptivas to the emotional needs of the other.

9. The shot of personality of neurosis can change over time?

Although this personality tends to be relatively stable along the life of a person, can vary in his expression #depend the circumstances and of the personal development. Some investigations suggest that the neurosis can diminish slightly with the age, but still can persist in some measure.

10. How they can the groups of mutual support with the program of the 12 steps help to improve the neuroticismo or neurosis?

The groups of mutual support based in some surroundings of support and comprensión where the members can share his experiences, fortresses and hopes.

When taking part in these meetings, the people with neuroticismo can learn new forms to handle his negative emotions, obtain emotional support and receive orientation of those that have gone through similar situations.

Besides, the principles and steps of the program of the 12 steps can help to develop skills of own acceptance and Own emotional management.

Personality neurotic and emotional disorders. Group lean mutual

11. Which profits has a group of mutual help or autoayuda of 12 steps for people neurotics?

When joining to the groups of mutual help with the program of the 12 steps (anonymous groups), the people with tall degree of neuroticismo can experience several profits that are the following.

  • Share experiences: The groups of mutual support offer a sure space where the people can share his experiences and challenges related the neuroticismo. This helps to reduce the isolation and provides a sense of belonging, understanding and acceptance.
  • Emotional support: The members of the group can offer mutual emotional support, which is reconfortante and empoderador for those people that have a pattern of personality neurótica.
  • Strategies of confront to if same: Through the 12 steps and activities inside the group, can learn effective strategies of afrontamiento to handle a personality neurótica including the stress and negative emotions. This includes technicians of relaxation and meditation, skills of afrontamiento and practical experiences, lived and surpassed by members of the group.
  • Personal responsibility and own commitment: The group of mutual help can help to the people to assume the responsibility of his own emotional recovery and motivate to be followed forward in his path to a more stable life emotionally.
  • The group promotes the self-esteem: The distinct activities that take place in the groups of autoayuda or anonymous boosts to surpass the passivity and to improve the self-esteem.
Besides, it develops a net of durable support and this strengthens the emotional welfare in general.

12. Which are the Test Neurosis or to know if have a personality with tall degree of neuroticism?

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Personality neurotic and emotional disorders. Test neurosis
  • Test of Personality of Big Five (the 5 big): This test can know that of the 5 shots puntuas tall or low and also the level of neurotismo. When you do it it goes back to this web and do the following to know if you suffer of emotional problems or emotional disorders.    
Once that you already know if have tendency to a personality with neuroticismo is important to do the following:
  • Test of emotional Problems or emotional disorders: This test can know that degree of suffering causes you at present your personality neurotic.
It remembers if you identify you with this shot or have it and seat that it is affected your daily life, is recommended that look for support.

Personality neurotic and emotional disorders. The neurosis and neuroticism