If you have tried to look for help and some time have posed you surpass the depression I invite you to that you can read to the end, since it will give you a more clear and complete vision to be able to decide the best option for you and to be able to feel the tranquility and mental health that always have wished.

What can do a person to surpass the depression or symptoms of depression?

  • Look for psychological support, psychiatric and/or farmacological.

  • Look for alternative therapies, homeopáticas, energetic and spiritual….

  • Look for a therapy of group, also called group of emotional mutual support or own help based in the program of 12 steps of AA.

What is the depression?

The depression is a disorder of the state of spirit characterised by a deep sadness and loss of general interest by the things of form maintained. Besides it is used to to associate to other psychological symptoms, physicists and of the behaviour.

How many people in the world have problems depresivos?

Near of 10% of the world-wide population, sees affected by the depression and the anxiety, the two emotional disorders more common WHO. According to the data of the world-wide organisation of the  health of 2019, each 40 seconds suicidal a person in the world, being the second cause of death in people from among 15 and 29 years.

Any person can see affected by the depression?

In Spain affects to 1 of each 6 people sometime of his life and to 1 of each 10 American adults. The disorder of main depression is the main cause of disability for the Americans of 15 to 44 years. Still like this it can suffer depression to any age .So much in U.S. like Spain is more frequent in women.

Who have main tendency to the depression?

This studio (CDC)  found that the following groups have more probabilities to gather the criteria of main depression:

  • The people among 45 and 64 years,

  • The people afroamericanas, the Hispanics, the no Hispanic people of other races or of multiple races.

  • The women

  • The people that have not completed the secondary education

  • The people that have been married previously

  • The people that can not work or are unemployed

  • The people without coverage of sure of health

  • Other situations of risk of social exclusion.

The depression can cause limitations in your day in day out and be mortal?

3,8% of the population refers a limitation (slight or grave) for the activities of the life because of a problem of mental health among which finds the depression. Spain 2017. ENSE, MSCBS/INE

It exists a relation among the abuse of substances and the depression?

The depression and anxiety increases the vulnerability of the person to develop a disorder by the use of substances or addictions, being among a 10 to 50% those that finally present addictions to the drugs or to the alcohol.

The consumption of hipnosedantes (benzodiacepinas, barbitúricos, antidepressant, xaxax, zoloft…) has #turn the third more consumed substance after the alcohol, the tobacco and by in front of the cannabis. The consumption of antidepressant has augmented 200% in 13 years.

His frequency and intensity can vary of a person to another, but the most important are:

  • Low spirit

  • Sadness and feelings of desesperanza.

  • Loss of interest by the activities with which before enjoyed or reduction of the pleasure when making them

  • Irritability (anger easily)

  • Anxiety.

  • You win

    To cry without an apparent motive.

  • Loss of energy or tiredness.

  • Problems of sleep.

  • Changes in the appetite, that sometimes drive to an increase or decrease of weight.

  • Difficulty to concentrate or problems by heart.

  • Feelings of inutilidado fault.

  • Negative thoughts

  • Excessive critiques to one same.

  • Desires of death or ideas of suicide.

  • Ache in different parts of the body: headache, palpitaciones or pressure in the breast, abdominal annoyances or digestive problems.

So it needs time and go little by little to surpass the depression

  • According to the World Health Organisation “the groups of autoayuda are small groups and volunteers structured for the mutual help and the achievement of a specific purpose.

  • These groups are integrated usually by equal that gather to help mutually in the satisfaction of a common need, to surpass a handicap common or problems that disturb the daily life, and achieve social changes and/or personal wished.

  • The groups of mutual help emphasize the expensive social interaction to face and the personal responsibility of his members, as well as emotional support.

  • They are oriented to the cause of the problem and promote an ideology or set of values through which the members of the group can obtain and increase a feeling of personal identity”

  1. The exchange of common experiences so much of the problem, like the feelings associated and the road of resolution based in the experiences.

  1. It provides emotional support, understood like the fact to know accompany and understand to another member of the group that suffers a problem. The emotional support that transmits can help to the person well to adjust to the situation or to change this situation. In the group, the members reinforce mutually. This self-evident in the understanding and acceptance of all the members of the group.

  1. It exchanges information and support, since when being formed by people in distinct phases of the handle of his problem, the new members can benefit and obtain information of other members that have surpassed already the first steps of the problem.

  1. The group provides to his members experiences of how face and handle the problems. In this sense, in the group expands our rank of perceptions of the problems and of the available actions to handle them.

  1. The group incentiva the change and the action, of the change of attitude and behaviour through the individual commitment.

  1. It promotes the socialisation and integration, since it helps to his members to surpass the feelings of social isolation. The actions make jointly and each member takes part actively according to his possibilities, not being a mere receptor.

  1. The group promotes the self-esteem. The distinct activities that take place in the groups of autoayuda help to surpass the passivity and to improve the self-esteem.

  1. It #make a sense of personal identity normalised and reduces the feelings of uncertainty, fear, rejection…

  1. It contributes a spiritual vision through the Upper Power, understood like a tool oriented to the acceptance of the circumstances that does not have individual control. As well as practical of prayer and meditation that generate states of tranquility and facilitates the emotional control in front of the problem. Finally said spiritual tools can consider together with the belonging to the group factors of prevention.

In conclusion the associated that attend with more frequency and those that more involve in the activities are those that experience a main welfare. Therefore evidence a clear relation among the psychological welfare and the participation in the Association, as well as with the fact to having experienced the profits referred previously.